Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Pickle Write

"Wow I love this movie" said the little 4 year old pickle with his mouth full of humans as he stuck in his hand in the human jar to pull out another human he came out empty handed and his face turned depressed as he came to realize that there were no more humans. The little pickle bagged and pleaded his mom to go to the store and buy some more humans but his mom simply said " Honey go brush your teeth and Ill buy you some more humans in the morning". So the little pickle sighed and hung his head and went to brush his teeth and wash all the blood off his face then went off to bed.
After a god nights sleep the little pickle was very hungry he asked his mom "can I please have some more humans"?
His mom replied "No you may not you know that those are a treat or for special times like when we watch a movie or if you have been an outstanding helper with the chores around the house."Now do you want toast with your favorite human brain spread or some cereal"? "CEREAL CEREAL!!!" "Okay Okay" "Now what will it be Human loops or Frosted kids"? "Fwasted kids!!!!" So the little pickles mom poored him some Frosted kids and some milk with a hint of blood.(EWWWWWW)

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