Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Pickle Write

"Wow I love this movie" said the little 4 year old pickle with his mouth full of humans as he stuck in his hand in the human jar to pull out another human he came out empty handed and his face turned depressed as he came to realize that there were no more humans. The little pickle bagged and pleaded his mom to go to the store and buy some more humans but his mom simply said " Honey go brush your teeth and Ill buy you some more humans in the morning". So the little pickle sighed and hung his head and went to brush his teeth and wash all the blood off his face then went off to bed.
After a god nights sleep the little pickle was very hungry he asked his mom "can I please have some more humans"?
His mom replied "No you may not you know that those are a treat or for special times like when we watch a movie or if you have been an outstanding helper with the chores around the house."Now do you want toast with your favorite human brain spread or some cereal"? "CEREAL CEREAL!!!" "Okay Okay" "Now what will it be Human loops or Frosted kids"? "Fwasted kids!!!!" So the little pickles mom poored him some Frosted kids and some milk with a hint of blood.(EWWWWWW)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Daily Routine

Dear other students of Glenrosa Middle School....

This is a letter to you about my daily routine.

First I get out of my car walk down the hill into the school then I walk to my first class which is English writing I don`t really like this class but its okay so I slowly make my way up the stairs and to my class and then I flop into my chair and get ready to write on my boring BLOG. So after about an hour and a half of constant writing I put my laptop away and head next door for math witch is a little more exciting than writing because we are learning about integers and I really like them and algebra. and after another hour and a half we have lunch and then I go to social studies and social justice for three hours then I go home and do about one and a half hours of home work and so on. Then the next day I would go to English and type on my other boring BLOG but that one is about poetry. And after another hour and a half I go to Science witch is the most boring class of all. Then after that I go to P.E. I really like that class my favorite game is DD (Dead Donkey). What you do is you lay on the ground and if you move you do laps around the gym. Then after P.E. I go to the my most favorite class BAND I love that class it is the best class ever. I get to play the saxophone. Anyway that is my daily routine.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My 10 Favorite Words + 5 New Ones

1.Knock out
9.Spunk (or spunky)

3 New words:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The four P gragh

In Progress




Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fish Falling From The Sky?????

One Friday afternoon I was walking along 22nd street minding my own business and tossing french fries in the air and catching them in my mouth. (that's how skilled I am)I heard this ever so faintly scream or yelp for help I went to catch a fry in my mouth and all of a sudden I fell this weird felling in my mouth. It felt wet slimy and as though something is flipping and flopping and trying to get out.So I did the normal thing I spit it out and I saw a fish fish covered in spit and crushed up french fries flopping about and gasping for air. Then I did the most retarded thing and said."What the hell are you doing over hear the small lake is fifteen blocks away". And to my surprise he said"some one called the fairytale busters tryed to use 200 pounds of TNT to prove that you can't make a title wave in a small lake". "And if you would let go of me I shall be on my way". So I set him down and he started flip-flopping his way down to the small lake and I said"ya know I could give you a ride?"He replied "would you " so I picked him up and took him back to his lake and I finished my fries and he swam happily back in his lake.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Hi hi hi I’m ttt-hh-e bball I am also always am existed when the children come out to play because I know that they are going to play with me I am their favorite toy. Oh look here they come now weeeeeee i`m flying I love it when they kick me one way and then back the other. You for all you other balls that haven’t you should try this its like your flying like superball

Monday, October 19, 2009

ScardyStudent (Billy)

Billy has always feared being thrown in a locker,and darkness.Who hasn't? But one of the things that Billy is scared of that nobody is, is the RUBBER DUCK in the locker!!!!!!!!!! Now Billy has always been scared of it but nobody knew about it, not even his parents no one in the whole world knows. Everyone has a locker even Billy but he has never used it he knows the combination and every thing but he believes that there is a rubber duck in the locker. And every time he walks passed a open locker he flinches then realizes hes all right. Now we all have fears and they all or mostly effect our lives in a negative way right? Well Billy can`t open his locker so he carries every thing he has in his back pack (which is stuffed to the max). And on top of that he looks stupid. Anyway Billy is scared to open his locker he has been all of his school years, from kindergarten to grade 7. But today was the day he would use his locker for the first time!!!! It all started when a grade 9 huge fat greasy haird bully that smelled like 100 year old cheese riped billy`s back pack open and all his stuff fell out. Now this was embarising for two reasons, he had to carry all of his stuff in his arms and he had tons of ''safety gear'' duck spray, gorilla tape (NOT DUCK TAPE!!!!!!!!!!) and so on. Finally he had been picked on enough he decided that he would over come his fear so he grabbed all of his belongings and went up three sets of stairs and down the short hall. He had intentions of opening the door and throwing his stuff in his locker and sprinting back down the hall when the fat bully appeared out of nowhere and teased him about being scared to open his locker. But Billy thought sure I show him that hes wrong. but then the bully got all his buddies to watch Billy thought that he would be the most popular kid if he opened his locker in front of everybody. So they all walked to his locker and he dialed the first two numbers and all of a sudden he could not bring himself to opening his locker, then he thought that he could not make himself look like a complete fool in front of everybody. He slowly dialed the last number of his combo and he swung the door open. Billy coward thinking something was about to happen. Shocked Billy stood up and totally lost his fear of the RUBBER DUCKIE in the locker. Billy's life improved in a good way because he did not have to carry everything with him. And he didn't look like an idiot carrying everything around.